We, the people living in metro cities are used to the idea of reliable constant energy. But most of the time the reality is something different. Many villages or rural parts of the country face storms, snowfall, floods, deep freezes, etc. which can cut regional electricity for hours or even days.
To elaborate more, even if you stay in a region with stable weather conditions, human errors or freak accidents can cut the electricity! There can be planned power outages too! So, the fact is there can not be any guarantee of uninterrupted power supply.
But, from small or medium-scale businesses to big industries, loss of power can be catastrophic even if it is for only a few minutes. According to research, power outages cost businesses in the U.S. more than $27 billion per year and it is increasing.
Thus, to maintain business continuity, you need to keep safe, yourself and your business against these power outages. The easiest way to do this is maintaining your own internal backup power supply, that can keep your systems running for several hours or days as per the need of your business.
5 Things to Consider to Keep Safe Against Power Outages
Let us find out the five important things that you can do to keep safe against power outages.
- Maintain a portable generator
- Ensure Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
- Try to find out long-term alternative power sources
- Maintain long-term standby generators
- Some more solutions to reduce the effect of power outages

- Maintain a portable generator
Whatever the size of your business, small or big, the power requirements of these businesses change accordingly. To face power outages, which can occur suddenly and anytime, your best, quickest, and most useful source of emergency electrical power will be a compact portable generator that you must keep on standby.
The small generators can be bought from any hardware store or you can also use larger truck-mounted models that will supply you with electricity for a few days.
One must buy them and keep them ready before the next power outage occurs. You should not run behind it when a disaster occurs. Because when any disaster occurs, retailers tend to run out of items like generators of any kind and even fuel can rapidly become scarce.
You must keep your generators inspected regularly, and always keep them fully fueled, or you can contact Perennial, we will do all these things for you, once you choose a rental generator from us! At Perennial, we provide diesel generators for rent.
2. Ensure Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
There can be a time gap of at least a few minutes or a few seconds when the power goes off and for this much time, your equipment and facilities will be turned off. This time is between the moment the power goes off and the time at which the standby generator automatically starts.
For some businesses, this can not be a big deal! But for some time-critical computer systems, even a single moment of electrical loss can lead to enormous loss of costly data.
For these reasons, you must invest in UPS devices, that is Uninterruptible Power Supplies. These are inexpensive but prove themselves to be very important as it provides those few crucial minutes of continuous electricity when the power goes off suddenly or dies and your alternative power system kicks to life.
3. Try to find out long-term alternative power sources
It is true that generators are really helpful for most business needs. But still, you must look for secure and long-term alternative renewable electrical sources if at all possible. These renewable sources can be wind energy devices on your property, roof-top solar power arrays, or possibly even other sources of consistent, and renewable electricity.
These renewable energy sources are just for the sake of crucial systems power provision. This will give you peace of mind as you will have more options when the grid power goes off such as generators, renewable power sources etc. So, with the help of these, your organization should be able to sustain the worst power cuts too in case of extreme emergencies.
4. Maintain long-term standby generators
Portable generators are a rapid and highly affordable solution to power outages. But they are not suitable for all your power needs or for all situations, because they require you to plug equipment directly into them and turn them on manually. All these things take time and can cause unexpected problems.
Thus, a standby generator is a more robust solution for emergency power. These generators work on a larger scale. These generators can be installed directly into your organization’s internal electrical system so that they can come into action as soon as the power goes out. Only the thing is standby generators are much costlier than portable generators when it comes to buying, installing, and maintaining such generators, and standby generators often require permits for their specialized installation.
Thus, you can choose a rental generator from Perennial, and then we will take care of transport, installation, and maintenance, of the generators. These devices are an extremely effective option if your business needs a robust, long-lasting emergency electricity solution.
5. Some more solutions to reduce the effect of power outages
We have seen the ways in which a continuous supply of emergency energy can be provided to businesses. But, you must also be aware of some of the ways to lighten your possible harm if your electrical systems fail.
Some of the things you can do for this are:
- If you have a business that involves highly perishable products that are only needed to be kept fresh with constant electrical resources, then try to keep a reduced inventory that will save you from huge losses in the event of an energy cut.
- If your company has heavy software and data storage then the safer solution is to invest heavily in cloud-based data backup and business-data management systems. If you have these systems active in the background at all times, then you will be tension free as power losses won’t turn into data losses. This will prevent your huge loss of data.
- You must train your staff on handling all the needed tasks for activating generators, saving data, and saving crucial capital assets or inventory when the power goes off, especially in the middle of a general emergency. Training your staff beforehand ensures the safety of your organization’s data.
Need professional help? Choose Perennial Technologies!
Setting up your business or organization against power outages is a complicated task. And thus, doing it by yourself for your organization would be risky and will consume more cost and time.
Thus, you must choose to take professional assistance for your power backup needs. This will save your invested money, and time, and make you stress-free.
We, at Perennial Technologies, can help you with this. We provide everything from installation to maintenance of generators.
We also have load banks for sale and load bank hire options. You can use load banks for regular testing of generators.
Contact Perennial, the best generator rental company in Pune, and get all your requirements fulfilled under one roof!